Monday, September 07, 2009

Arts and Crafts and Memories

By Deborah Joseph

There are many areas of crafting that might interest you I enjoy working on many different crafts, and usually try to do all of them at the same time. My craft room is home to me. I am most comfortable in my craft room surrounded by all the projects I love to do.

Crafting with silk flowers will be satisfying and brings with it a sense of accomplishment. You can purchase a straw wreath or a wreath made from several kinds of wood. While you are at the Craft store pick up your favorite silk flowers in colors that will match the decor of your home. Place the flowers in a sequence pleasing to the eye all around your wreath. I have made various wreaths and hung them in more than one of my rooms using different colors. The more flowers you use the prettier your wreath will be. Using a wreath on your front door will add color to your door and will be pleasing to the eye.Giving any of your wreaths to a friend or loved one as a gift will bring a smile to the one you gave it to and will create happy memories for them and for you.

Finding the one special latch hook kit is a terrific gift for your loved one, for yourself or for a friend. They are easy to do and the end result is pleasing to the eye. I have been working on one of a kitten that I hope to be able to give to her with all the other memories I have placed in her memory box. All six of my grandchildren have a memory box that I have placed different crafts that I have made. Things like small latch hook rugs, embroidered pillow cases and sheets that I made for their cribs and there is an embroidered picture that I made for my oldest granddaughter. These are all crafts with memories of when I made them and the love that went into making each one them.

Children's Crafts

Another area in Children's Crafts. I find there is no greater joy than sitting at the table with my grandchildren on a rainy day making something for their Mommy or for their Nana or for themselves. Usually they want to do a craft for someone whom they love. I always have pictures taped to my walls, to furniture or on my refrigerator. These are all treasured pieces of art. I have plastic pieces on my refrigerator of boats, turtles, ducks, round circles, hearts and squares. These are also treasured of art.

The kids and I have painted clay flower pots, of wood shaped in different sizes, pumpkins treasured rocks. All of these things were carefully painted small hands and smiles and laughter. We have made assortment of banners,signs, and wind chimes, too.

Secrets, Secrets and more Secrets all in a can of Play Doh

Play Doh knows no limits to what it can do or be made into. I have spent hours with Play Doh and my grandchildren. There are an assortment of Play Doh men, little men and just circles all over my refrigerator. I wouldn't dream of throwing anything away.

Enjoy while crafting. That is the key to make memories to last a lifetime.


For more information and articles on Arts and Crafts, see



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