Monday, February 13, 2006

Warning: duck & cover; The craft world is exploding

According to the Craft and Hobby Association (CHA) the craft market is worth 29 billion dollars (that's billion with a B!) and 4 million new people discover crafts every year. In other words, crafts are everywhere and people are jumpin' on the wagon. In the past few years, there has been a wonderful explosion of craft-related magazines, books, Web sites and television shows. The more the better, right?

There are roughly 15 craft shows on the air right now, and I'm sure more and more are being developed as I write this. Many of these great shows are on cable stations like HGTV (Home and Garden Television), it's sister station DIY (Do-It-Yourself Network), your local PBS station and even the Style Network. There are two shows that have particularly caught my eye recently--Crafters Coast to Coast and Craft Corner Deathmatch.

Crafters Coast To Coast is a new show on HGTV and, so far, it seems to be a hit with viewers, me included. Crafters Coast To Coast continues the tradition of the beloved Carol Duvall Show, but with a welcome new twist. Where Carol had the artist travel to HGTV's studio in Southern California, Crafter's Coast To Coast brings the television studio to the artist. Why didn't I think of that? Coast's philosophy is to let all of us see "each artisan in their own environment and experience how their personalities, lives and communities influence their work." What a great concept. Crafts and voyeurism--what could be better?

Crafters Coast To Coast brings us serious creating in a lighthearted manner, with a touch of silliness--a lot like the sessions you and I would have with friends. A production crew takes over the artist's studio and spends the day taping a specific project. It takes about six hours of filming to get five minutes of television. They've showcased ceramics., papermaking, beading, purse making, stained glass, card making and felting, just to name a few. Basically, a little something for everyone.

What I find so endearing about the show is that it allows us to see crafters as real people, just like you and me. They have busy lives with lots of responsibilities, and they continue to love what they do. They also fight to keep pet hair out of their work and search for ways to keep the creative juices flowing while raising families and dealing with life. It allows us to see that others feel as adamantly about their art as we do. It validates that creativity is and should be a part of healthy life.

Craft Corner Deathmatch is a new show on the Style Network, and let me just say, it ain't your grandma's sewing circle. The premise of the show is interesting. Two young, hip crafters competing against each other and the clock to create a randomly chosen project with strange and oddly assorted supplies--definitely pushing creativity to the max! The contestants are people I'd like to hang out with, take classes from of even see in the pages of Expression. They are collage artists, mixed-media artists and in general crafty people.

After the project idea is given, the supplies are rolled out on a cart by the stoic, just-put-her-finger-in-a-light-socket assistant (nary a smile mind you) and the contestants rummage through the assortment of materials and then retreat back to their "corners." The crafters are allotted 10 minutes to create something from their chosen materials while host Jason Jones throws twists into the challenges along with added commentary that might be viewed as, well, obnoxious. To break things up a bit, they throw in a taped segment with hints on what else could be done with the theme and supplies available had you more than 10 minutes. The art is finally judged on beauty, creativity, and utility by a panel of three "experts" and the winner of two rounds goes on to face the Craft Lady of Steel. Like the assistant, she's not a smiler either. The two go head-to-head and the winner (usually the aforementioned Craft Lady of Steel) ... well, wins.

Both shows are interesting in their own right, and merit a checking out. While Crafters Coast To Coast focuses on crafting and creating as a worth-while pursuit. Craft Corner Deathmatch is more for entertainment purposes and humor. I mean, who can really take the host seriously anyway?

COPYRIGHT 2005 Publishers' Development Corporation
COPYRIGHT 2005 Gale Group


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