Saturday, April 03, 2010

Get Creative With Arts and Crafts Supplies

By Bonn Joel Elimanco

Your children in their very young years have minds that absorb creative things and new ideas like a sponge. Enhancing their creative and imaginative minds shouldn't be that difficult if you can provide and equip your kids with the right things and materials that they can use. Arts and craft supplies are therefore very important in day care centers because these things help your children develop their artistry and, possibly, discover their unique talents in painting or drawing.

Art and craft materials include drawing papers, paints, clay, crayons and a lot more. Using art and craft materials, children can create a lot of things. With clay, they can mold and sculpt mini- statues. With art papers they can fold and create beautiful origamis and paper maches. Have them paint like a pro with canvas, easel, paints and brushes. Who knows? Their flower paintings and landscapes now may one day be works of art displayed inside a museum. Let the children express themselves and have fun at the same time.

Arts and craft materials should be safe for kids to use. Safety is an important priority. Make sure the crayons are lead free. New breakthrough in coloring supplies use soy as their base materials. Scissors should have protective coverings. Make sure the arts and crafts pieces are not too small so that they wouldn't be choking hazards. Tell the kids not to eat those yummy looking clays. It is important for parents, teachers and carers to instruct kids how to use the arts and craft materials properly. Kids should be able to create and express their artistry in a safe way.

If you want to buy toys and day care supplies, click here.


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Monday, March 22, 2010

4th of July Crafts

By Barbara Feldman

The 4th of July will be here soon. This is a great time to spend with friends and family while celebrating our country's heritage. One great way to help kids learn about the 4th of July is through crafts.

As you do these crafts with kids, you can help them learn about the various meanings behind them.

Hand Print Flag

The project uses kids' handprints to make an American flag. This is a great time to discuss what the flag means, such as the significance of the number of stars and stripes.

Materials needed:

Red, white and blue construction paper

One large blue rectangular piece of paper


Pen or pencil



Have each child trace his or her handprints on the red and white paper, then cut them out.

Cut out the number of stars you would like to use from the white paper.

Arrange and glue the handprints on the blue background piece of paper, making sure to leave a rectangle in the upper left-hand corner. The handprints will make up the stripes on the flag.

Glue the stars to the blue corner.

Liberty Bell

You can teach kids the story behind the Liberty Bell as you do this fun craft.

Materials needed:

Gold craft paint

2-inch clay pot

4-inch clay pot

Hemp cord

Paint pen or permanent marker

Unfinished wooden beads


Paint pots and wooden beads with the gold craft paint. You can experiment with different colors to make the pots look aged.
String a bead onto a length of hemp cord. Fold the cord in half, keeping the bead at the center. Tie a knot above the bead to secure it in place on the cord, then tie another knot approximately 1 ½ inches up.

String another bead onto the cord and knot it in place. String the 2-inch pot onto the cord, going up through the inside of the pot so the beads dangle inside the pot. Tie a knot above the hole in the pot. Add another bead and tie a knot to hold the bead in place.
Add the 4-inch pot to the cord, going up through the inside of the pot and out of the hole, so the 2-inch pot is dangling on the inside. Add another bead, knot to hold in place, and go to around 2 inches from the end of the cord. Tie a knot, add a bead, and tie a double knot to secure it.

Using the permanent marker, write "Liberty" on the rim of the bell and add a painted crack.

Fireworks on Paper

Kids of all ages will enjoy doing this craft while you discuss firework safety with them.

Materials Needed:

Black or dark construction paper


White glue

Newspapers (or other type of paper to lie down for easy cleanup)


Spread the newspapers out and place the construction papers on top of them. This helps make cleanup easier.

Spread glue on the paper in geometric shapes to resemble fireworks. Note: If your glue is a soft consistency, try putting a glob on the paper and then blowing it outwards to give it more of the effect of a firework.

While the glue is still wet, sprinkle glitter over the top. Slide the excess glitter back into the glitter container or on the top of the newspaper.

Continue the above steps until you have the desired amount of fireworks. Experiment with different colors of glitter and shapes.

For more Independence Day crafts, coloring and games, visit Independence Day Fun at


For more on July 4th Crafts, see

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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Arts and Crafts and Recycling

By Micah Powell

There are lots of means to integrate recycling with arts and crafts and have hours of entertainment and perhaps make a small number of holiday gifts.

One of my favorite crafts is to decoupage. The materials needed to do this are simply old magazines, a couple of scissors, some white glue and something to decorate. I've seen people use this art medium on every sort of article from wooden boxes up to queen bed head planks.

Once you've the item (or items) you need to decorate you can put them aside and begin flipping through the magazines for pictures and words that jump up at you or help convey something you would like to say. The fantastic thing about this craft is that there is no "wrong" way to do it. Some people will use an entire advertisement including the setting in the ad and others may cut out the individual or object from the background. The belief is to have an article of a page to be layered upon the object to be decorated.

After you have plenty pictures and words remove you can begin to decorate your object. The ideas and creative imagination, from this point on, are endless! Use all cut outs of flowers and birds to decorate your job, ready every picture of a dog and see how many you can discover and use all of them to decorate your recycled project!

Arrange your clippings onto the surface of whatever it is you're going to reuse or decorate and put a layer of glue over the total project. Using white glue or Mod Podge will provide you with a plain coating over your art and when that layer is dry, coat it again, and so on. The coatings of glue will protect your artwork and if you use a gloss-finish, it will have a nice shine to it, too.

I started making "Blessings Boxes" for the Christmas gifts I would give to my children's instructors. I would reuse an old shoe box, and cover the whole beyond it with remove pictures from magazines. The principle objective was to cover up the shoe brand on the outside the box with the pictures and words.

The belief behind the "Blessings Boxes" was that throughout the year, when there was a blessing in their life, maybe a ticket stub to a baseball game or a movie shared with a buddy, birthday cards, get better cards, etc. they were to place these blessings into the box. The best part is that, during that year, when they had each day where they would feel blue or needed a grin, they knew they may always open their "Blessings Box" to be reminded of the beautiful things that have happened in their life.

These gifts were the talk of the elementary school the first year I made them and I will say that at the very beginning of annually after, my children's instructors would let me know how gorgeous they thought my creations were and (wink, wink) they would not mind getting one for themselves!

The best part is that I never spent extra money making one of those gifts! It was an achievement all attributable to being recycled materials.

Find out more about the author in:
Pet Water Fountain
Padded Folding Chairs


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Thursday, February 04, 2010

All About Custom Screen Printing T Shirts

By Reynaldo Odom

Custom screen printing a T-shirt is when you opt your personal shirt, such as a frequent tee or polo shirt, and then select a design to put on to the shirt. The plan can be your individual creation or designed by someone different.

The are several businesses that supply this service and while some require you obtain by the truckloads that's not forever the situation. You will require to conduct studies on custom screen printing T shirt businesses in your place to see what will best suit your needs.

Shirt Magic is a company that allows you to select your own shirt and design. You can make use of a design that you designed yourself or choose from one of their many designs. They supply to print your shirts with no least order requirement. This is a benefit and eliminates the requirement to buy bulk shirts and allows you to order only what you want.

Custom Ink is one other custom screen printing T shirt company that allows you to design your own shirt or other items of clothing. They have a design lab on their site that you would employ to create your design. Yet, this company does require a nominal amount order, which is never a bad thing. Can someone really ever have too many tee shirts? I don't believe so, particularly when they're custom made.

Broken-Arrow is a custom screen printing tee shirt company, which offers many art samples and screen printing, along with embroidery. Additionally, they propose many different kinds of inks for printing and advertise low prices with high quality products. They were established in 1989, so you can remain confident knowing they have years of experienced.

Screen printing became popular in the 1960s, together with the tie-dying of shirts. People enjoy being in a position to print whatever they select on their shirt. As we are able to all don't overlook and know even now, music bands are big on doing custom screen printing tee shirts.

After time they realized they might make more money selling the tee shirts to fans like us. What we don't understand is we can create our own shirts that we pay twenty dollars for at a music concert.

Custom screen printing tee shirts are produced by you selecting a shirt and design to print on the tee and than either doing it yourself or having a company do it for you. You finish up with a custom made shirt all your individual!

T shirts are very popular and a must-have for anyone's wardrobe. When the tee shirt was first introduced it was known only as underclothing and took some time to become acceptable as wearing on its own out in the open. Presently you can observe everyone walking around in them and scarcely any two are ever alike.

There are a wide variety of sizes and types and obviously, there are the custom screen printing tee shirts. People can wear these knowing they're wearing a one of a kind shirt that they on their own made and can be proud of.

Custom screen printing tee shirts are a great way to spread the word of something you believe in or would like to make others alert to. Make your individual phrase or catch phrase and apply it to the shirt. Know that while you are out wearing it, people are reading it and growing into aware.

Reynaldo has been writing articles online for nearly 5 years now. Not only does this author specialize in weight loss, fitness and diet, you can also check out his latest website on childrens sleeping bags and bathroom lighting fixtures.


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St. Patricks Day Crafts see

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

4 Easy to Do Winter Crafts For Preschoolers

By Jennifer Dobson

Break free of the winter doldrums with some hands-on crafting fun geared toward preschoolers. Rare is the child who does not delight in glue and paint, so snap on the smocks and get started. The four easy winter crafts below will keep preschoolers occupied and learning at the same time.

Puffy Snow People

Combine a handful of fluffy white cotton balls, a stick of glue and a snowman shape cut from construction paper for this fun and easy craft. Children will enjoy gluing cotton balls on their snow person and teachers will enjoy the low-mess glue sticks. For a jaunty cap cut a top hat from black construction paper that can be glued on after the cotton balls are adhered. Small circular pieces of construction paper can be used for buttons if so desired. Use the puffy snow people as a tie in to a discussion about the science of snow.

Symmetry Snowflakes

Teaching symmetry starts in the preschool years. It can be made easy with a simple snowflake craft that will allow the children to practice their fine motor skills. Have them take a sheet of white construction paper and fold it in half lengthwise (like a hot dog bun) and then again in half widthwise (like a hamburger bun). Prepare a snowflake quarter template for them to trace onto the folded paper after it has been neatly lined up along the folded sides. Safety scissors will help them cut out the pattern. Once the snowflakes have been cut out, open them to see the symmetry. Add coloring, glitter or glue on sparkles to make the snowflakes stand out.

Silly Seedling

Bean plants grow year round and are a great craft activity turned science lesson for the preschool set. Have the children decorate a Styrofoam cup with a silly face using magic markers. Fill the cup about 3/ 4 of the way full with potting soil and place a dried bean into the dirt. Place the cups in a warm place that receives light and watch for the beans to sprout. The children love drawing the faces on their cups and getting dirty in the soil while the teacher has an instant lesson plan in hand.

Mitten Memories

It is never too early to have children tell of things that they remember, and the winter is full of fascinating memories and stories. In this simple craft the children will trace from a pattern and cut out two mitten shapes from construction paper. On each mitten they can recite to the teacher a fun winter memory that she will write onto the cut out. After a memory has been written on each mitten the child can decorate them on the blank side and tie a length of yarn to connect the two pieces. For very young preschoolers assistance may be required with tying the yarn. Hang the mittens around the room or on a classroom bulletin board for display. This activity is great to integrate into story time or show and tell. Consider sending the completed mittens home with a note asking parents to share their favorite winter memories with their children.

Crafts provide a wonderful opportunity to integrate other subjects into a lesson. They do not have to be overly messy or expensive to be effective and fun. Allow children the freedom to express their ideas and memories this winter with the easy craft projects above.

Jennifer Dobson invites you to take a look at MPM School Supplies where you will find all kinds of teacher supplies, resource books, classroom decorations, school furniture, classroom carpets, educational toys, and much more. The best part is by shopping at MPM School Supplies you are helping children in need all around the world because 50% of the gross profits are donated to children's charities!


For more on Easy Crafts, see

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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Valentine's Day Arts And Crafts Projects - "Heart-y Animals," "Mouse Kiss," and more!

By Anne Clarke

For this fun and easy Valentine’s Day art project, all that you need is some different colors of construction paper, safety-scissors, glue, and maybe some googly eyes.

First of all, teach your students how to cut out a heart. The best method is to fold a piece of paper in half, and then cut out a slanted “J” shape on the fold. Unfold the paper, and you have a heart! Of course, this is only the beginning of the craft. Have your students cut out as many hearts, of different sizes and colors as they can (to their heart’s desire, so to speak).

Now, have your students take those hearts and see what sorts of animals they can make out of them. For instance, students can take lots of small hearts and glue them all together, one on top of the other, in a line (wiggly or straight), and they have a worm. Take two giant hearts (with smaller hearts glued to them for added decoration) and glue the points of the hearts to either side of the “worm,” add some antennae, and they have a caterpillar who has just turned into beautiful butterfly.

A heart folded in half makes a great body for a mouse. Two sideways hearts of different sizes, points together make a great body and tail of a fish. Two upside down hearts, one stacked over the point of the other, make a great head and body of a cat, dog, or another animal. Spice up your Valentine’s Day crafts with a pair of googly eyes. See what your students can come up with. It is amazing how creative they can be!

Valentine's Day art projects and crafts – VALENTINE’S DAY CARD BOXES

· Friendly box Valentine card holder

o To make this Valentine’s Day art project, you need a box (preferably a shoe box or a box of that size), some colored construction paper, cardboard, scissors, and some glue.

o Have an adult cut a clot in the box lid for the Valentine’s Day cards to be inserted through, and then wrap up the box in colored paper.

o Cut out an animal’s head and shoulders from the construction paper and glue it to the piece of cardboard. Add a fun face to the animal. Now glue the animal to the back of the box, with the face facing towards the front.

o Gut out some arms for your animal and have them wrap around the box, so it looks like your animal is holding or hugging the box.

· Paper plate Valentine card holder

o You need: two paper plates, a hole punch, yarn, and markers.

o To make this Valentine’s Day craft, first decorate the bottoms of your paper plates how ever you want.

o Next, put your two paper plates together (tops facing in).

o Take your hole punch and punch holes every inch or so along the edges of the paper plates for ¾ the circumference of the paper plates.

o Take the yarn and weave it in and out of the holes, “sewing” the two plates together.

o The slot left at the top is where the Valentines can be inserted.

Valentine's Day art projects and crafts – POEM PUZZLE

Have your students cut out a large heart from a piece of heavy paper. Next, have them write a fun Valentine’s Day poem on the heart for one of their classmates. Have them decorate the heart however they want. Then, have them cut up their hearts into 10 or so puzzle pieces and give the heart to a classmate and have them put it together. This is a fun idea for a Valentine’s Day card, as well.

Valentine's Day art projects and crafts – MOUSE KISS

This is a fun, cute, and sweet Valentine’s Day craft. Have your students cut out a small pink heart, then glue 2 Hershey kisses to the heart, one on each side. The top of the heart makes the mouse’s hears. Leave in the Hershey kiss paper in the back heart to act as the tail. Take it out of the front Hershey kiss. Use a very small pom pom to glue on as the nose, with thread whiskers beneath it. Glue googly eyes on either side of the nose. Voila! You have a mouse kiss. Just be careful with the glue – do not use much and make sure that glue touches only the tin foil and not the chocolate. Messy mice should only be looked at and not eaten.

Anne Clarke writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, parenting, fashion, and home decor. Her background includes teaching and gardening. For more of her articles on holiday arts and crafts, please visit Homeroom Teacher.


For more on Valentine Crafts, see

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thanksgiving Crafts to Make That Are Kid-Friendly - Indian Corn Treats

By Kelli G

These Indian corn treats are very kid-friendly Thanksgiving crafts to make. Your kids can easily turn a snack cake into a cute little Indian corn all by themselves. This project makes a really fun and edible centerpiece for the kids' table on Thanksgiving.

To see photos of these Indian corn treats, see the link at the bottom of this article.

Supply List:

- Candy corn (two types: regular and harvest)
- Snack sized cake (Twinkie)
- Frosting
- Yellow streamers
- Plastic knife
- Scissors


1. The first step is to make your corn's husk out of the streamers. This is very easy to do, just cut 3 strips of streamers. Cut each strip about 8" long. Cut one end of each strip into a point. Now place the 3 pieces of streamers on your serving plate. Place them side by side, but fan the pointed ends out a little.

2. Take your snack sized cake and place it in the center of the streamers. Now spread an even layer of frosting over the entire cake. Any thickness is fine, but around 1/4" would be good.

3. Next, take the two streamers on the sides of the cake and gently press them up along the sides of the cake. Now take the 3 straight-cut ends of the streamers and twist them together, making the bottom of the husk.

4. Starting down at the base of the cake where you just twisted the streamers together, begin pressing the candy corn straight down into your cake, pointed side down. Press most of each candy corn into the cake until only the end color is still showing. To make these look like Indian corn, be sure to alternate between the regular candy corn and the harvest candy corn. You only want to cover your cake with about 4 or 5 rows wide of candy corn. Continue covering your cake all the way to the other end. Some ears of Indian corn have mostly dark kernels while some have mostly lighter kernels. If you are making more than one Indian corn treat, you could make some of each.

5. After your cake is covered with candy corn, you may want to add a couple more streamer husks to your corn. Simply cut a few more streamers, still about 8" long. To add them to your corn, simply twist the ends into the already twisted end.

That is all there is to it! We hope you find this a fun activity for your kids!

To see the photos please visit our Thanksgiving Crafts To Make: Indian Corn Treats page at Kelli is the co-creator of, a site dedicated to bringing you fun holiday crafts for the whole family.

Copyright: You may republish this article as long as the text, author credit, active links and this copyright notice remain intact.


For more information on Thanksgiving Crafts, see
